Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lord of the Maggots part 3 + 4

I just arrived back from a kids camp on the North Sea Island of Juist. The experience was made trying by the inhabitants of that crazy little island. The owners of the hostel were literally crazy (Like throwing food at children when they rightfully complained about the food itself... Never have I tasted worse). The children were alright and I got paid for lying on the beach everyday, weather permitting.
But still I will never go back to that inbreed island and strongly recommend against anyone in their right mind thinking of going there. Think of a mixture between 'The Shining' and 'Hotel California'. Every interaction I had with a local left a sour taste in my mouth, and I wasn't the only one to experience that, all the other counselors too.

So now I am counting down the days until I leave Europe and start my voyage back home. I am encountering it with mixed feeling, I am rather settled here and I will go back home and have to find a job and a house. Happy homecoming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand how you must feel Dave.You will be leaving close relationships you have made over two years.An adoptive family who have been there for you at christmas,birthdays and just made you welcome and of course,KATRIN.But now it's our turn to have you back (for a while),and I for one am looking forward to the occasional brunch etc.

2:24 AM  
Blogger David said...

Oh, dont get me wrong I am looking forward to it... To everything Oz but especially to family and friends

10:25 AM  

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